Al Haraka Baraka talks about the constant movement of nomads and beduins in the history of the region, with no borders or limits in search for their source of life. ever since their has been a glorious transformation influenced by crossroads of different cultures and nationalities. This transformation has left it’s mark on the region. My work focuses on documents these transition inspired by the construction boom. I explore materiality in construction sites and the foundation of building cities through making installations in collaboration with makers and workers.

In my previous work; a continuation of series called Urban Phantasmagoria, I explore the region maps and I use the technology of satellite shots to recreate the maps in a dream-like kaleidoscope imagery. I like to show the endless possibilities of map reforming and rebirth of new landscape, while technically documenting the country’s topography.

The grid made out of the welded metal mesh used in the foundation of the construction site serves on which latitude and longitude in this installation, and drawing the world map using neon tube lights. Latitude and Longitude play a major role in determining the time zones of different places throughout the world. In responding to the theme of (Haraka Baraka) humans are always on constant travel, from country to the other, from city to the next, from one location to another. Maybe we can’t always tell the where we are moving next, but we know it exist within the world map grid. Within the Grid is a reminder of where our families and friends live, places we had visited, and planning to visit. It is a chance to see how far we have reached and how close we are to our dreams, our movements are all within the Grid.